Two Copies of the Same Library Book

Erik and I usually go to the library at the same time, but do our own things, sometimes with funny results: the other day we picked up the same book.

2023 09 Two Copies of the Same LIB Book

(Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher)

While there’s overlap in our interests, they’re not identical—I tend to prefer scifi, Erik fantasy, for example—and while we’ve read and liked many of the same novels, it’s never been quite this coordinated before. We didn’t even discover it until a few days later when one of us got through their current book and pulled out the next on Mt. To Be Read.

Reader, I LOLed! 😀

Are You Aware of National Velociraptor Awareness Day?

Were you aware that tomorrow—April 18—is National Velociraptor Awareness Day? I wasn’t, but now I am. So, consider today National “National Velociraptor Awareness Day” Awareness Day.

In case you were worried that we would not be taking this important holiday with the seriousness it deserves, let us put those fears to rest.

And that’s all we have to say on the subject.

Cartoon by Erik Jensen

Some things are just too silly not to share!

Vintage Car Looks Exactly Like a Character from an Animated Movie

Doesn’t this vintage car look exactly like an animated character from a Pixar movie?

Twitter QuirkyRides Belka

Developed by the Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute of the USSR / Russian Federation, known also with a much more user-friendly abbreviation NAMI, the car even has an appropriate name for a cartoon character: Belka means ‘squirrel’.

I’m used to thinking—wrongly or rightly—that Soviet design is, to put it politely, butt-ugly. (Think of brutalism, for example.) But this car is, indeed, very cute for midcentury modern design, even if it looks top-heavy (and perhaps therefore too wobbly for safety).

Image via QuirkyRides on Twitter.

Some things are just too silly not to share!

MCU’s One Hour Dancing Zemo Loop

One unexpected thing to come out of Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier—have you seen it, by the way?—is definitely this video clip:

ONE HOUR DANCING ZEMO | Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier | Disney+ by Marvel Entertainment on YouTube

Not only is Daniel Brühl’s performance great—he looks bored and baffled, and yet simultaneously slightly entertained, until he seems really to enjoy himself.

But. Baron Zemo. Dancing in a disco! Looped for an hour? Made and uploaded by Marvel itself, not a fan?!?

I think it’s absolutely hilarious, which makes me think either I’m completely out of the cool loop, or Marvel actually did manage to hit the zeitgeist on the nose, or it’s all haphazard. Or all at once, LOL!

Some things are just too silly not to share!

Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

I’m the kind of geek you can (within reason) egg on to doing something by saying most people don’t act in a particular way or do whatever it is you’re describing.

Case in point: our high school math teacher told us that most people won’t ever learn the approximation for pi further than 2 or 4 decimals places. So, I had to go and memorise it to 8 decimal places. I can still remember it: 3.14159265.

Dinner3 Dessert

Don’t ask me why it was so important to me—I can’t remember anymore. I am, however, surprised that I can still produce it without any hesitation whatsoever even though I haven’t used it in decades. (It only works in Finnish, though; clearly there’s some connection with the rhythm and sounds that made it easy for me to memorize.) I wish I was as speedy with my U.S. social security number, for instance. 🙂

P.S. For a full appreciation of my dorkiness, look at the tags for this post. :p

Messing with numbers is messy.

Is the New Doctor Who a WoW Gnome?

I was browsing some Doctor Who reading on the latest iteration of the Doctor herself when I saw this photo of Jodie Whittaker in costume:

TV Guide BBC Studios Sophie Mutevelian 13th Doctor Who 2018

The new Doctor Who is– a WoW gnome?!?

LiveJournal Cindy Love Is in the Air FGnome Cropped


Images: Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor by Sophie Mutevelian / BBC Studios 2018 via TV Guide. World of Warcraft screencap cropped from one by Cindy on LiveJournal.

Some things are just too silly not to share!

Quotes: I’m Okay with Living in a House Where a Random “Han Solo” is a Thing That Happens

I love geeks and nerds, and being a geek / nerd. Sometimes it occurs to me, though, how terribly odd it must look like seen from the outside. Exhibit 6,430: the exchange below that Erik and I had last weekend:

Me: *mumbling to myself, trying to remember a detail from Star Wars*

Me: Han Solo

Erik: … I don’t know what that’s about, but I’m okay with living in a house where a random “Han Solo” is a thing that happens.

I’m okay with my life choices. 😀

Some things are just too silly not to share!

80s Pop Improved by Fight Scene from Thor: Ragnarok

Incredibly, a fight scene from Thor: Ragnarok kind of goes with an 80s pop track:

Thor Ragnarok – I NEED A HERO!!! FUNNY via Locus on YouTube

The song in the background is “Holding out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler. Impressive job matching some of the punches on screen to the music.

Then I made the mistake of looking up the original music video. Oh, boy…!

WTF Is This Cat

Found via N. K. Jemisin on Tumblr.

Image: Confused cat via Meme Binge on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

This post has been edited to correct a typo.

Some things are just too silly not to share!

Flashback Friday: AFR 115: Don’t Die So Close to Me

In the morning, my logic brain was busy blocking the day and arranging my To-Do list, when the art brain suddenly burst out with “Don’t stand– Don’t stand in– Don’t stand in the fire!”


The joke comes from Erik’s previous online comic, Away from Reality. AFR is a World of Warcraft fan comic, and this one, number 115, is called “Don’t Die So Close to Me”.

Of course, having been jolted out of my multitasking-while-not-realising-it state, I had to sing the whole thing. Multiple times. 🙂

“Young warrior, the subject of mob abilities.

He’s tanking so badly, he doesn’t even see.

He got too distracted. He full of rage inside.

He should have been moving–

Instead he stood and died.


Don’t stand– Don’t stand in– Don’t stand in the fire!

Don’t stand– Don’t stand in– Don’t stand in the fire!”

(The tune is “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by The Police.)

While my To-Do list probably would be in a better state had I finished it at one go, my day was definitely made. Thank you, art brain. 😀

Image: Away from Reality #115: “Don’t Die So Close to Me” by Erik Jensen

Some things are just too silly not to share!